The particular Miller Highlife commercial that I am analyzing for this assignment is posted in this blogpost. It shows the 2 Miller Highlife guys going into a dog show and seeing that their product is being sold . They are immediately shocked and one of the guys actually says "It's making me queasy!" The ad makes it very apparent that Miller Highlife is NOT to be served at high class social functions. It is a good beer for cheap that is supposed to stay that way. This ad is targeted at the Middle Class American and is targeted AWAY from upper class society.This is interesting because they are relying on the fact that beer is a middle/lower class drink. This commercial also plays on the stereotype that uppity people do not drink beer, and they have "sports" such as the dog competition portrayed in this commercial, where Miller Highlife beer is not acceptable.
I think that Miller Highlife also likes to keep the "good beer for cheap" image, as portrayed in the Superbowl advertisements where instead of creating a normal 30 second commercial, they created a 1 second, and much cheaper, commercial. Miller Highlife advertisements have a humor factor that I think intrigues and interests the audience rather than sells the audience the product based on the facts presented in the commercial. I think that this ad sells the lifestyle to the idealized common folk that this beer was made for them, and I think it achieves its purpose.