So I seem to have bad luck with where I move. This isn't because I always have a personal vendetta for my roommate, or that my shower is leaking and causing a big mold fiasco...It is simply because of ONE reason....My upstairs neighbors at my past two residences always seem be Beliebers...That is, HUGE FANS OF THE CHILDHOOD SENSATION JUSTIN BEIBER. While I think it is great to be super dedicated to your favorite artists, what I don't appreciate is hearing Justin's voice BLARING from the upstairs at 6 am in the morning when you are getting ready for middle school. So until this discontinues...Yes, I will continue to bang on my ceiling with a broom like a crazy lady. Yes, I will continue to leave passive-aggressive notes in places you "might" see, and to be quite frank, the only Justin that I Belieb in is Justin Timberlake! Ahh nothing like a blog to get out my frustrations!
The better Justin
You are such a funny writer, Nicole!! This made me laugh... you would like one of my students at Plymouth Middle School... every, single on of her binders has pictures of Justin Bieber on it. It bothers me in a way it shouldn't.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Love that you have the "better" Justin... I too love him... and have since the age of 13.